FormBackend logo


Thank you page

Customize the hosted "Thank you" page that we redirect to after the form has been submitted

When someone submits your form, we redirect them to our “Thank you”-page. Per default they’ll see a text: “Thank you for your submission”. This can be changed on the “Settings”-tab.

You can change the text they see, as well as the background, text and link colors on the page.

The “Submission text” field supports HTML and Markdown. So if you want to insert your logo you can do the following using HTML:

<img alt="My logo" src="">

or markdown:

![My logo](

Change the colors

You can change the background-, link- and text-colors by using the three input fields under the “Submission text” field. It’s also possible to use inline styles in the “Submission text” field if you want to give different parts of your text a different color.